Sunday, February 3, 2013

Think Eating Healthy is Too Expensive??

If you think eating healthy is too expensive, answer these questions…

How much money did your family spend eating out last month?
How much money did your family spend at Starbucks or QT for snacks and drinks?

Ok, good guess. Now go through your account and add it all up.

Dr. Briggeman spent over $1,000 a month on food in his single days. It adds up quick when you eat out. 

Here is another thought…

  • How much has sickness cost you in the last month? (I’m not just talking financially)
  • Did you have to call in sick to work or take off to go to a doctor’s appointment?
  • How much did you spend on prescription medications last month?
  • Did that headache prevent you from going to an event or missing your child’s performance?
  • Does depression keep lingering and affect your job performance and social life?
You see where I’m going with this. Perhaps we can’t afford not to eat healthy.

It’s time to make a change. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about empowering yourself to make good decisions. One good habit begets another good habit!

Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest for more ideas and tips on healthy living and alternative healing options!!  

Missy Briggeman

Empowering Patients · Educating Minds · Healing Bodies

701 W. Queens St. Suite 100
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
918-994-4816 Fax

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