Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tasty Juice Recipes for Detoxing

Mean Green
#1. 6 kale leaves, 1 cucumber, 4 celery stalks, 2 green apples, ½ lemon and 1 piece of ginger.
#2. Handful spinach, 3 stalks of kale, 2 apples, small handful parsley, 1 lemon, and 1 cucumber.
#3. 2 stalks of celery, ½ cucumber, ½ apple, ½ lemon, small piece ginger, ½ green chard leaf, 5 kale leaves and handful spinach. 
#4. ½ pear, ½ apple green, handful spinach, han
dful parsley, 2 celery stalks, ½ cucumber, small piece ginger and slice of papaya.

Sweet tooth
12-15 strawberries, 1 pear, 1 orange (optional: add spinach)

Easy Breezy Cucumber Cooler
4 carrots, 1 cucumber, 1 stalk celery, 1 apple, and ½ lemon.

Cleansing Lemon-aid
1 liter water, juice of 2 lemons, 1 inch knob of ginger (finely grated or juiced)

Blood Purifier Juice
3 large carrots, 3 apples, small piece of ginger, 1 beet.

Yummy Green Juice
3 kiwis, 1 handful kale or spinach, 1 stalk celery, 1 cucumber, 1 handful parsley

Instant Green Drink
1 tall glass of water
2 teaspoons of barley greens or wheat grass powder
2 teaspoons of spirulina or chlorella powder

Green Smoothie
½ leafy green vegetable of choice, fruit of choice, 1-2 banana or avocado (makes it creamy). Add ginger, lemon or parley to increase taste.

If you don’t have all the ingratiates to a juice, that’s ok, use what you have and get creative. Just keep in mind that the juices or smoothies need to have at least 60% veggies and no more than 40% fruit. Fruit has a lot of natural sugar and is acidity. It can cause you to feel hungry sooner. 

Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest for more ideas and tips on healthy living and alternative healing options!!  

Missy Briggeman

Empowering Patients · Educating Minds · Healing Bodies

701 W. Queens St. Suite 100
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
918-994-4816 Fax

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