Thursday, January 3, 2013

What do these Recycling Symbols Mean?

At a recent conference we shared some information regarding the concerns over plastic containers.  Recently there was a big scare over BPA plastic leaching chemicals into water bottles and baby bottles.    Studies suggested that BPA mimics estrogen and interferes with hormone levels.   The recycling numbers on the bottom of the container will give you a clue as to how dangerous the container can be.

The recycling symbols shown in the chart can be found on the bottom of your container - below we have listed each and provided a brief description.

The safest choices are #2, #4 and #5
  • #2, HDPE, a usually opaque plastic used for milk jugs, detergent bottles, juice bottles, toiletries and the like.
  • #4, LDPE, used for things like plastic bags, food storage, bread bags, some food wraps, squeezable bottles.
  • #5, polypropylene, used for a wide variety of applications such as yogurt cups, medicine bottles, ketchup and syrup bottles, and straws.
Avoid using #3, #6 and #7
  •  Plastic #3, or PVC, which is used in some plastic cling wrapping for food contains  material-softening chemicals that leach from PVC and could interfere with the endocrine system.  Make sure not to microwave foods with plastic cling wrap.
  • Plastic #1 should only be used once and is typically used for bottled water and plastic “to go” cups at restaurants.  It’s best to use a plastic bottle water container and plastic “to go” cup only once and then throw it away.  Using it over and over can cause chemicals  to leak into beverage.
  • Plastic #7 may contain BPA BUT NOT ALL PLASTIC #7 IS BPA! It is a “catch all” category that includes many kinds of plastic that don’t fit the classifications of the other numbers. To play it safe I would avoid using #7.
  • Plastic #6: this is polystyrene, or Styrofoam, from which disposable containers and packaging are made. You’ll also find it in disposable plates and cups. Evidence is increasingly suggesting that this type of plastic leaches potentially toxic chemicals, especially when heated. I suggest avoiding the use of #6 plastic as much as possible.
There are studies that show microwaving food in any plastic container may cause a toxic release of chemicals into the food. I suggest using glass - it is cleaner than plastic and has a non-porous surface that doesn't absorb food and germs.  Scientist no longer ask if toxics migrate from plastic containers into food but now ask how much.  Theses toxins can be absorbed into our body and effect thyroid function, hormone levels and may be a trigger for migraines.

Check your plastic and make sure you know what you are putting in your body - it might be more than what you bargained for!!

Happy New Year Friends!!!

Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter and Pinterest for more ideas and tips on healthy living and alternative healing options!!  

Missy Briggeman

Empowering Patients · Educating Minds · Healing Bodies

701 W. Queens St. Suite 100
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
918-994-4816 Fax

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