Thursday, May 9, 2013

9 Ways to Use Coconut Oil in Your Home

The more I read about Coconut Oil, the more convinced that it is almost a cure-all ingredient!!! Ok, maybe it doesn't cure ALL, but there are so many ways that you can use it! This week I am focusing on 10 ways that you can use it around the house.

Check these out and be sure to comment if you have additional ideas!!
  1. Perfect for moisturizing/cleaning Leather (always test first)
  2. Remove Chewing Gum from hair – just rub some coconut oil around the chewing gum, all it to sit for about 30 minutes and it will come out easily.
  3. Make your own "Goo Gone" –  Put equal parts coconut oil and baking soda in a bowl and mix into a paste.   Allow the paste to set on the sticky area for a minute and then scrub off.
  4. Insect repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Much safer than using products with DEET.
  5. Oiling wood cutting boards and wood bowls
  6. Polish bronze by rubbing a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe the bronze area to clean and deepen the color.
  7. Polish Furniture – coconut oil  with a little lemon juice works well on wood furniture (be sure to test small discreet area first)
  8. Season your cookware
  9. Homemade Soap – coconut oil can be used as one of the fats in soap.
I hope these tips will help you rid your home of some of the everyday chemicals that are stashed in your home.  It can be hard to part ways with your trusted cleaners - but in the end you are providing chemical free atmosphere for you and your family!!

Missy Briggeman

Empowering Patients, Educating Minds and Healing Bodies

701 W. Queens St. Suite 100
Broken Arrow, OK  74012
918-994-4810 Office
918-994-4816 Fax

photo credit: legends2k via photopin cc

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