1 cup Borax
1 cup Washing Soda
1 bar of soap or 3 cups liquid Castile Soap (as natural as you can find)
5 Gallon Bucket
If you use bar soap you will need to cut it into 1 inch cubes and boil in 6 cups of water. Once the cubes have disappeared let it cool for a few minute. Then stir in Borax and Washing soda.
Use ½ cup per load.
If you use liquid Castile Soap, mix it with 3 cups water, Borax and Washing Soda.
Then fill the 5 gallon bucket with 4 gallons of water and stir in the mixture. As time goes by (usually 24 to 48 hours) it will start to thicken to a gel like consistency. If you feel like it's too watery you can add more boiled down soap or liquid Castile soap.
Powder Detergent:
1 box Borax
1 box Washing soda
1 bar of soap (as natural as you can find)
1 large container
Grind the soap down to a fine consistency. You can use a food processor or cheese grader to grind the soap. Then mix the soap, borax and washing soda together in a large container.
Use ¼ cup per load.
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