Thursday, June 6, 2013

Get Yourself Moving First Thing in the Morning!!

Top of the mornin' to ya!  I always feel so much better when I rise early and get to movin!!  There is just something that makes me feel so accomplished when I have marked several things off the list even before my family has eaten thier breakfast.

Not everyone is a morning person - Here are a few tips to help you feel energized this morning. 

  1. Stretch your muscles, reach for the sky and then reach your toes. Bend side to side and twist left to right. 
  2. Drink a glass of water at room temperature with some lemon.
  3. Go get some fresh air. Stand outside for just a minute and take 5 deep breaths that you can feel down deep in your lungs. 
  4. Added bonus...sunshine helps increase your cortisol to normal levels to give you a boost of energy. 
  5. Say a prayer and thank God for giving you the gift a new day.
Hope you feel energized this morning!!  Make this a GREAT day!

Missy Briggeman

Empowering Patients, Educating Minds and Healing Bodies

701 W. Queens St. Suite 100
Broken Arrow, OK  74012
918-994-4810 Office
918-994-4816 Fax
photo credit: SD008 via photopin cc

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