Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Hormones in our Daily Foods

Our children are sexually and hormonally developing earlier then past generations. Women are experiencing menopause symptoms in their 30’s. Cancer is spreading as if it’s contagious. Could the food we eat be playing a role? 

FDA: Food and Drug Administration or is it Food Destroying America?
The FDA has approved several steroid hormone drugs to be used in beef cattle and sheep. These hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and their synthetic versions. FDA says “These drugs increase the animals’ growth rate, the efficiency by which they convert the feed they eat into meat, and the leanness of their meat.” These hormones are also used in milking cows, chickens and pork.

The hormones are in pellet form and placed in the animals ears. The FDA does require that the ears are disregarded. The hormones are continuously released into the animal. Cows, just like humans, cannot produce milk unless they are pregnant or have just had a baby. The milking cow is artificially inseminated or given hormone injections to simulate pregnancy in order to produce milk. The day their calf is born it is taken from the mother. The mother cow is then hooked to a milking machine several times a day and artificially inseminated again.

An average cow’s life expectancy is 15-20 years. A milking cow typically lives four years and is then slaughtered for it’s beef. According to Wikipedia, “In 2009, approximately 19% of the US beef supply came from cull dairy cows: cows that can no longer be seen as an economic asset to the dairy farm. These animals may be sold due to reproductive problems or common diseases...”

Milking cows can get irritation, yeast, cracks and bleeding on their utters. They are given injections of antibiotics that are supposed help with the symptoms, but unfortunately puss that oozes from the cracked utters gets into the milk. The government does not regulate the amount of puss allowed in milk. They do however regulate raw milk that was hand squeezed from a cow or goat that was raised on a family farm with no added hormones.

We are not saying or implying that you should not eat meat or drink cow milk. We just want you to be aware of the facts that can be found on the FDA website. If you would like to try an alternative to cow’s milk there is almond milk, rice milk, and coconut milk.

When purchasing meat from a grocery store, look on the label for “hormone free”. Purchasing grass fed beef is also a good idea. There are local farmers who sale grass fed cattle for beef. Typically you purchase half a cow or a full cow, and freeze the meat to last throughout the year.

My grandfather is raising a grass fed cow for us right now. He lives on my great-grandma’s farm that has fed five generations. It’s located in Tahlequah, Ok. If you are interested in purchasing half a cow or a whole cow just leave a comment and let us know.

Missy Briggeman
Empowering Patients · Educating Minds · Healing Bodies

701 W. Queens St. Suite 100
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
918-994-4816 Fax

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